Applied Exercises

This section provides some exercises that are meant to deepen your knowledge in the topics covered in this section and to gain experience solving real-world problems.‌

1. Forecast density

In this exercise you will simulate a density forecast from a simple AR(1) model.

  • Using an AR(1) model (see below) and assuming that ρ=0.7\rho=0.7 and yT=1.5y_{T}=1.5, simulate 1000 paths for the process, 20 periods into the future, assuming that the error term is iid N(0,0.52)N(0,0.5^2).

  • Using the prctile function, find the median path for the process.

  • Create a plot over time of the median path and the 16th16^{th} and 84th84^{th} percentiles of the forecast "distribution".


To forecast from an AR(1) model, in general we need to know the parameter values and the last value of the process, yTy_{T}. We can then construct the forecast for time T+1T+1 as

y^T+1=ρ  yT\hat{y}_{T+1} = \rho \; y_{T}

We can then use the forecasted value for T+1T+1 to create a forecast for T+2T+2.

Note that above the error term is ignored as E(ϵT+iΩT)=0,i>0E(\epsilon_{T+i}\vert \Omega_T)=0, \forall i>0 where ΩT\Omega_T is the information set at time TT. We can however use Monte Carlo simulation to incorporate the uncertainty inherent in the model and get a "distribution" of forecasts.

2. Finding the probability of an event using Monte Carlo simulation

In this exercise you will write a Monte-Carlo simulation to answer a simple question on probabilities.

  • Write a script that performs a Monte Carlo simulation to find the probability that the sum of the numbers coming up on two (fair) dice is equal to 6.

  • Perform the simulation 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 times and compare the results to the theoretical answer.

3. Large-sample distribution of the OLS estimator

In this exercise you will simulate the large-sample distribution of the OLS estimator.

  1. Write a Monte Carlo simulation to explore these large sample properties. Assume that the true model is y=β0+β1x1+β2x2+ϵ y = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_1 + \beta_2x_2 + \epsilon, where β0=1,β1=2,\beta_0=1, \beta_1= 2, and β2=5\beta_2=5and

    ϵN(0,1)\epsilon \sim N(0,1). Let the sample size be 50 and set the number of replications to 2000.

    • Create the data sets assuming that the regressors are iid N(0,1)N(0,1)

    • For each replication, estimate the OLS coefficients, the variance of the error term, and the variance of the OLS coefficients.

  2. Run the following experiments

    • Check that the OLS estimate has the right mean, i.e. compare the mean of the estimated coefficients to the true coefficients.

    • Check that the variance of the OLS coefficients is correctly estimated, i.e., compare your estimate to the covariance of the coefficient estimates using the cov function.

    • Check that the OLS estimator has the right distribution: Compare the CDF of the normalized estimate of β2\beta_2 to the CDF of the standard normal distribution

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